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This time of the year, we are asking God to “create within me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10 NIV). Yet, if we take daily inventory of our choices, decisions, and relationships, we will have to agree that we need to daily incorporate the above prayer, which seeks God’s spiritual cleansing, within our daily decisions.

Spiritual luggage that we need to include and maintain within our 2021 wholistic lifestyles are:

Ongoing prayer times

Daily Bible reading

Never-ending praise and worship breaks.

Also, we need to have a periodical end-of-the-day self-evaluation checklist. The checklist will help us to check with the Holy Spirit to examine our love walk within our daily activities

Wellness Made Clear (WMC Subscriber), is an educational blog site which offers our subscribers comprehensive and resourceful knowledge about holistic wellness dimension (spiritual, physical, emotional, mental, financial, and vocational). We motivate and educate our subscribers on interconnecting the various wellness components within their personal and professional lifestyles: mental health awareness, spiritual enrichment, healthcare longevity, relational enhancement, crisis and trauma foresight, resilience development, and much more. The monthly fee is only $1 dollar. To enroll, go to





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