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We are living in physical bodies within a realistic world. Spiritual truth as Believers is, we walk by faith and not by sight. Being in the world but not of the world, we must respect and abide by the laws of the land, since God’s word motivate us to “Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme” (1 Peter 2:13). As we engage in physical daily activities, we know that through our submission to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can do all thing through Christ who gives us strength. Reality check reminds us we have a cattle on a thousand hills (financially); however, we must pay our bills and spend our money wisely (this is reality and truth). We believe, pray, claim and walk in His reassurance that we have the job/business of our hearts’ desire; however, we must pursue this passion through job interviews, building permits, business establishment, soliciting investors, loans, and gaining wisdom and knowledge through educational courses (this is reality and truth). We pray, believe and trust God for friendships and marriage; however our interaction with others must illustrate Christlike love as we communicate and serve others with patience, longsuffering, gentleness, kindness, self-discipline, meekness and forgiveness (this is reality and truth).
We need reality in order to operate in Christlike truth. Christlike truth reminds us that greater is He that is in us than that is in the world.
“But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world” (1 John 4:4).


Wellness Made Clear (WMC Subscriber), is an educational blogsite which offers our subscribers comprehensive and resourceful knowledge about holistic wellness dimension (spiritual, physical, emotional, mental, financial, and vocational). We motivate and educate our subscribers on how to interconnect the various wellness components within their personal and professional lifestyles: mental health awareness, spiritual enrichment, healthcare longevity, relational enhancement, crisis and trauma foresight, resilience development, and much more. The monthly fee is only a $1 dollar. To enroll go to


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