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Wellness Lifestyle Hindrance: The What If Syndrome

We all go through the thought process of “What If”  questionnaire.

What if I made another choice?

What if I can not pay my car note?

What if I loose my job?

What if my wife/husband/significant other leaves me?

What if I can not find the documents?

What if my health fails me?


It is challenging not to permit our overacting imagination to be used as a wellness-building tool. We tend to “permit” our thoughts to cater to past and future worries. The thoughts will continue to come; therefore, we must continue to fight the good fight of faith


Remember that our lifestyle dreams, goals, and the earthly journey is bigger than our what-ifs. Underline the word IF, remember it means it has not happened, and God and I can handle this if it does. Tomorrow, when and If the What if syndrome prevails, pull down the stronghold in confidence that you are an overcomer,”

Is there a what-if syndrome hindering your wellness journey?

Yes, The What if Syndrome is personal. While you are deciding which “what if” syndrome to eliminate, listen to Byron Weems’s new single called It’s Personal.

Listen, like, subscribe and share.






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