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There are many vitamins, supplements, nutritionist foods, and intellectual activities that help us to maintain a healthy mindframe.
Note: Before adding or subtracting foods, vitamins, supplements, spiritual or physical activities, please check with your Spiritual Physician (SP) and your Medical Physician (MP).
Nutritionist proclaim that the following foods are inspirational, beneficial, and are catering to improving our cognitive functioning, and brain development:
Spinach-this vegetable counter attacks the cognitive decline associated with the risk of developing Alzheimer’s diseases and the aging process.
Eggs-are considered as a superfood. The protein from the egg white contains precious water-soluble (choline) that can improve overall cognitive performance and memory.
Walnuts-The walnut is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, the healthy fat and high in antioxidants which promote brain function.
Medical physicians encourage their patients to include the following supplements to enhance their brain function (if the patient is in need of memory boost):
Fatty Fish-eat a portion of the either, salmon, trout or sardines which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
Blueberries- the berries deliver anthocyanins, which are from a group of a plant that compounds with antioxidants (fights against oxidative stress) and anti- inflammatory (battle against inflammation).
Broccoli- this powerful plan is filled with vitamin K and is considered a fat-soluble vitamin and includes antioxidants. It protects against brain damage and inflammation.
Mental Health Specialist and Psychologist encourages us to keep our brain sharp through learning new skills, meditations, and engaging in spiritual retreats such as taking breathing breaks, learning a new language, practicing a new craft, studying a new subject, and taking time to seek God’s guidance.
As children of the Highest King, we know that as a man thinketh in his heart so is he. In order to maintain our Christlike mind, we need to “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth “(2 Timothy 2:15 KJV).
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