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Child’s Behavior: Inadequacy
We must remember that all behaviors have purpose goal. We must remember that if we response to the child’s behavior (the problem) this will not address the purpose of the child’s behavior. We are only perpetuating the problem. We must model how we would like to be spoken to.
Dealing with the misbehaving goal called inadequacy, we are feeling pity, hopeless, helpless, or inadequate. At this time, we are in the impulse mode to be over-helping, to expect nothing, giving up, or doing the child’s tasks.
The child’s inadequate behavior is saying show me small steps. Celebrate my successes. I need to know I’m okay as I am and help to build up my courage.
Our strategy to deal with the inadequate behavior is don’t pity. We should offer encouragement by referring to the child’s strengths. We should acknowledge past success and draw attention to how their past accomplishments made them feel good. We should take time to train if necessary. We should break down the task into smaller steps. We should not give up. We should continue to encourage, encourage, and encourage.
Dealing with a love one, we should prayerfully seek God’s guidance on how to lovingly interact with this child, who is loved and covered under God’s grace and mercy.
“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it” (Prov. 22:6).
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