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Diabetes: Is this a lifestyle hindrance?

By May 15, 2017No Comments

The mission of the healthcare industry is to prevent, cure and educate us on the cause and affect of the chronic disease called diabetes.  Filling out our medical history reveals whom within our family were and are diabetics.  This family history report cautious us on our chances of inheriting this disease.

As believers in Christ, we know that diabetes is under the blood of Christ. This generational curse does not have to pass down to you, or your the next generation.

Yet, we must not be ignorant of Satan’s devices in the area of making healthy lifestyle choices.


Know what diabetes is

This disease does not produce or properly use insulin. Insulin (a hormone) needed to convert starches, sugar, and other foods energy needed through your body. Diabetes types are Type 1,Type 2, and Gestational.

Know the symptoms (note that these symptoms are not just limited to diabetes;  therefore check with your physical)

  • Weight change
  • Eating and drinking changes
  • Eye problems
  • Change in mental function
  • Frequent yeast or skin infections
  • Change in bodily function

Engage in disease prevention

  • Declare and decree God’s Wellness Plan over your life.
  • Healthy meals and snacks (try 90:10 rule, where you eat healthy most of the week, set aside time to enjoy, birthday, holidays, weddings, family dates, and social events).
  • Keep your weight under control.
  • Exercise.
  • Rest.
  • Enjoy your life in Christ.

“Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: Curse is everyone who is hung on a pole” (Galatians 3:13 NIV).

Tomorrow, as you start your day, seek Good’s guidance on your food choices, fitness activities, and word declarations.


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