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When we hear the word diet, we think of eating restriction for the purpose of weight management. We know that our food intake is to be done in moderation and under God’s constructive approval. Yet, we can achieve greater healthcare by entwining physical, emotional, and healthy eating with prayer. There is a connection between weight maintenance and spirituality.
God’s word can be implemented into our lifestyle to keep us wholistically healthy (spirit, soul, and body). As we encounter daily needs, health challenges, financial decisions, meal planning, physical activities, and ongoing unforeseen situations we can counter attack, eliminate, and detour from unwanted situations, while we implement needed changes by communicating all areas of concern with God.
Our Prayer Diet can incorporate:
Praying over our food choices and meals
Praying and operating from the fruit of the spirits: self-control and faith
Calling on Jesus while being challenged to partake of our favorite desserts at the social gathering
Praying for self-discipline in the area of overspending
Praying the repentance pray when needed
Praying without ceasing is our model and daily Spiritual care needed in order to eliminate ungodly practices that lead us down the road called, self-regret, chronic disease, debt, unforgiveness and ungratefulness, and obesity in the areas of spiritual and physical weight gain.
“All a man’s ways see innocent to him, but motives are weighed by the Lord” (Proverbs 16:2).
If you are looking for some anointed inspirational songs, check out our music section and purchase some of our anointed music by our inspiration vocalist, Byron Weems.
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