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Are we struggling to make ends meet, being physically challenged, and being misunderstood by family members? Is our lifestyle sounding like an acoustic bass guitar?

Wikipedia defines an acoustic bass guitar as a “bass instrument with a hollow wooden body”. An acoustic guitar has four strings, which are normally tuned (E, A, D, G). It can be difficult to hear an acoustic bass guitar without an amplifier.  

Tomorrow, if we noticed that our Christ-like identities are hidden underneath, health issues, monthly bills, job challenges, or unexpected family issues, let us remind ourselves to play the following spiritual guitar strings:

E-Enter His gates with being thankful and grateful for what God has brought us through and will   continue to carry us through.

A-Always do what you can do in Christ.

D-Do not get stuck on or in the “Why Me Syndrome”.

G-Give God the glory and praise for how He will get us through.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9 NIV).

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