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Do You Have An Attitude of Gratitude

By July 16, 2021No Comments

if we choose not to have an attitude of gratitude, we can overlook mid-day grace. The pressure of family issues, work stress, and lack of cash flow burden us with wanting more. Yet, the state we find ourselves in causes us to be an emotional drain. The feeling of anxiety replaces the desire to be grateful. However, we no longer are thankful for what we do have. The sense of lack overrides the memory of yesterday’s blessings. On the other hand, we desperately need to define our mindset of appreciation.

Defining An Attitude of Gratitude

This feeling of appreciation stems from gratus, a Latin word.gratitude We all define an attitude of gratitude differently. Yet, we agree that being grateful includes leniency. The debate among family members, peers, co-workers, and strangers is who is the reciprocal of grace. On the contrary, our mindset ponders over the benefits of having an attitude of gratitude.

The Benefits of Being Grateful

The benefits of living in an atmosphere of thankfulness are many. First, we can avoid unnecessary stress. Second, fewer visits to our physician. Further more, we are not experiencing ongoing virus and flu symptoms. In addition, relationship conflicts decrease. Moreover, our yearly physical report are good. Finally, We have healthy immune systems and vitality boost. Hooray! Our check up states good cholesterol, and blood pressure levels.

How Grateful Are You Survey

Living in a healthy mindset requires us to survey our feelings. Also, our emotions must continuously be gratified. Would you please take this survey and let us know your outcome?gratitude challange
Can you still appreciate the comfort of home when paying the rent? Or do you complain about the high mortgage bill?
Is your family’s appreciation based on their treatment of you? Or do you feel blessed to have a family?
Are you grateful to have a job? Or are your interoffice conversation filled with complaints about the miss-treatment from others, working hours, and negative interactions with supervisors?

Prayerfully ponder over your answers. Then, tomorrow morning, before you move into a day filled with blessing, hope, and opportunity, examine your mindset. Seek God through prayer on having the right attitude of gratitudeprayer of gratefulness.

Grace Help

If you need some inspiration for your morning prayer, check out Byron’s new single called “Good Morning Lord.”
