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This word can be viewed as a blessing. When we engage in spring cleaning, we are downsizing through house cleaning, body detox, releasing ourselves from toxic relationships, and eliminating negative self-habits. Dealing with COVID-19, reminds us to downsize unhealthy hygiene routines and implement or maintain good healthcare practices. This means we cannot assume or take for granted that doorknobs, kitchen counters and our homes are dust and germ free. Whether living along or with family members, we must schedule time to maintain home sanitation as well as physical healthcare. Since (right now) most of us are in house arrest (confinement) we can put on a happy face and implement our home and personal downsizing healthcare. Let us begin with housekeeping. Let’s put on our favorite music and begin to exercise through dance and begin a dusting party. Take a breathing break and muscle tone by cleaning off all counters. It is time for a stretching break. Do a forward bend standing or sitting and stretch our lower back and hamstrings. Now we are ready to tackle the closets and downsize items or close not using. Right now, we cannot give anything away until we come off of house a rest, which we pray and hope it won’t be long. Now it is time for cool down. Hold up! Before we lay on the bed for rest, let us check and see if our mattresses needs to be clean or turn.
“When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order” (Luke 11:25).
WOW, what a downsizing work-out. Please email us and let us know how it went at fredina@wonderfullymadeinc.
Tomorrow we will work on Downsizing physical health care.

We are here to journey with you through lifestyle challenges, please check out our virtual consultation sessions that we are offering:
Mini Health -30 minute (within a virtual session) of encouraging, energizing, educational and fun, creative simple movements. This will enhance one’s wellbeing and healthcare in order for you to be effective, efficient, and productive within their personal and professional life challenges.
April 18, 2020, Saturday at 11:00 AM.
April 25, 2020, Saturday at 11:00 AM.
Workshop-1 hour (within a virtual session) of informative knowledge on handling mental and emotional stressors along with meditation exercises and Tai-chi movements to strengthen one’s inner spirit as well as physical endurance levels.
April 18, 2020, Saturday at 12 Noon.
April 25, 2020, Saturday at 12 Noon.

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