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Let’s get physically fit during confinement. Now don’t go overboard and enter into a family weightlifting competition. Yes, we may be confined; however with the help of online connection we can zoom into our favorite exercise class, even record selfie our own favorite work-out, or we can hook up family members, friends and associate on line and make up our own group fitness. Although physical movement is important, physical health care is more than just exercising. While we are either physically alone at home or with family members (loved ones), let us make sure we are equipping ourselves with wellness tools in preparation of “coming out of confinement”. Frist know our bodies strong and weak points. When stress attacks, do we start to feel: muscle tightness, pain, soreness, get headaches, or does our immune system break down? Have we noticed a change in our eating habits: eating more or less, indulging in more pleasure foods (donuts, sodas, hot dogs, potato chips, candy bars, fried foods)? Have we taking on a new habit called baking (more desserts versus healthy recipes)? Have we entered into the sedentary lifestyle zone, which incorporates a lot of sleeping and watching our favorite re-runs?
Let us incorporate healthy physical habits. First, if we have stairs in the house and we are able to transport ourselves up and down, let us engage in stair climbing breaks throughout the day. While watching our favorite television series, during commercial do some squats or walk around the chair. Let us take the time to schedule and plan our meals. Yes, it is ok to include some of our favorite desserts within the 10% and eat healthy meals 90% of the time. When feeling frustration or feel like the walls about to cave in on us, let us take a stretch break, engage in some breathing meditation and try some wall, chair or floor push-ups. Remember this to shall pass. Please email us and let us know how this is going [email protected]
“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Tomorrow we deal with mental awareness.
We are here to journey with you through lifestyle challenges, please check out our virtual consultation sessions that we are offering:
Mini Health -30 minute (within a virtual session) of encouraging, energizing, educational and fun, creative simple movements. This will enhance one’s wellbeing and healthcare in order for you to be effective, efficient, and productive within their personal and professional life challenges.
April 18, 2020, Saturday at 11:00 AM.
April 25, 2020, Saturday at 11:00 AM.
Workshop-1 hour (within a virtual session) of informative knowledge on handling mental and emotional stressors along with meditation exercises and Tai-chi movements to strengthen one’s inner spirit as well as physical endurance levels.
April 18, 2020, Saturday at 12 Noon.
April 25, 2020, Saturday at 12 Noon.

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