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We all may run in the opposite direction, when we receive a healthcare reminder to schedule our yearly physical. Our thoughts become negative and we enter into the What If Syndrome Zone. What if I have high blood pressure? What if I am and diagnose with cancer, diabetes, or some other awful diseases? How human nature immediately accept the negative report while rejecting God’s word and His assurance that we are made in His image. Before scheduling our appointment, let us calm our nerves and remove unnecessary stress by seeking comfort, peace and reassurance of God’s presence through His word.
“Don’t worry God has gone before you and prepared the way. Just keep walking”-Author unknown.
“For we are His creation, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time so that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10).
If you are looking for some anointed inspirational songs, check out our music section and purchase some of our anointed music by our inspiration vocalist, Byron Weems.
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