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Family Core

By April 1, 2016No Comments

We love our family.

We noticed that each family member was and is uniquely created in the image of Christ. At times we love each other, at times we disagree, at times we enjoy family outings, and at times we enjoy solitude.

Through it all, what keeps and holds our family together like glue?
What always brings us back together? What is our family’s core?

We have heard that the core is the central or most important part of something.

Our loved, faith, and trust in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is our Christian family’s core value.

As you spend time with love ones at home, at church, at work, or at school events, remember as Believers in Christ;
We are united.
We are family, you and me
We are the body of Christ.
We walk, talk, and live lifestyles which represent the love of Christ.

“Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God” (1 John 4:7 KJV).

Have a blessed week end enjoying your loved ones.
Byron and Fredina

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