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Boys and Girls let us engage in fun fitness with our biological or adopted (spiritual or physical) siblings. Our goal is to develop/maintain upper-body/lower-body strength (knowing our physical limitations). As children, we have various size, shapes, and ages, let us make sure we observe self and each other’s to make sure we are operating within our fitness level. Children ages 2-12 and teens ages 14-17 are still going through development cycles (sprit, soul, and body). Their wellness levels will vary and develop according to their individual emotional, psychological, and physical growth. Let us make sure we are not pushing each other beyond our wellness capacity concerning the range of motion, flexibility, comprehension capacity, and body rhythm.

We will creatively strengthen, tone, and sculpt our/their intellectual abilities and upper-body muscles. This will help us get to know each other through physical and intellectual movements.  Boys and girls remember to have fun before during and after this fun upper-body/lower body routine.  Please remember to enjoy each other versus competing with each other.

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