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I can do this. I am not afraid. Who is with me? How do I overcome my fear of failure? We all need an ongoing dose of self-confidence in Christ. If we move forward in self, self-confidence we might end up patting ourselves on the back for accomplishments made or withdrawing from civilization because of failure and self-pity. If we move forward under Christ, our self-confidence motivates us to keep on keeping on and encourage others on their journeys.  Some suggestive confidence booster oils will supply us with energy lifts. Try blending some of the following suggestive oils to boost one’s self-confidence and glow in Christ: Bergamot, Cedarwood, Ginger, Grapefruit, Jasmine, Orange, Rosemary, Sweet Fennel, and Vetiver.

Note: please know your allergies and check with your spiritual physician (SP) and your medical physician (MP) before adding confidence booster oils.

If you by chance, you fall

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