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We all love to be loved.  We enjoy being surrounded by loved ones, receiving loving gifts, hearing others inform us of their love for us or tell us about someone else’s love for us. This is good news. There is one sacrificial love that we did not ask for, did not pay for, and don’t deserve; yet, we are blessed to have the onetime sacrificial offering that will last us and bless us while we are traveling on earth and for eternally if we  CHOOSE to believe and accept this perfect sacrificial offering made and given to us through God’s only begotten Son, The Messiah, Jesus Christ.

This Holiday Season let us make this a celebration of love. As the deceased songwriter, James Ingram said let us “Love” him, Jesus “today. Find 100 ways”

“For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him” (John 3:17).

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