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How Can We Avoid Spiritual Decay?

Twice a day, we engage in teeth cleansing; yet, we tend to have tooth cavities, gum diseases, and bad breath. On the other hand, spiritual decay leeks in when we allow our souls to become weary, anxious, or overloaded with feelings of disappointment. Spiritual decay continues down the path of self-destruction when we leave home without our daily dose of Scripture. As we turn down the road of being busy, spiritual decay continues as we ignore the Holy Spirit’s warning.

Here are some tools to help us overcome spiritual decay. For starters, let us engage in a reality check. We need to know, accept, and deal with life challenges as they come. This is possible as we seek God for help.  Second, we need to take the time to hear and listen to God’s answer. Third, we should boldly proclaim God’s word over our situations in belief. Fourth, we will not doubt God’s promise made to us. Fifth, we must choose to trust, believe, obey, and claim God’s promises. Finally, we must keep on keeping on and by faith claim and stand on the promise until it manifests.

“God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?” (Number 23:19 KJV).

If/when you try this Spiritual Decay Avoidance, please let us know your outcome.

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