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How Do I Deal With Gossip?

How do I deal with gossip about me and keep my sanity? First, I must ask myself, is there any truth in being sad? Next, I must remind myself that I will not take this personally. Finally, I will allow myself to feel upset, hurt, or betrayed because it is ok to feel.

Support Group

How do I deal with gossip? First, seeking a friend, family member, or mentor to share my feelings of betrayal through fiction. This will allow me to talk it out and receive comfort and encouragement from a loving, supportive person .Words hurt At the same time, if my awareness reveals that the person gossiping about me was considered a true friend, I need to reevaluate my definition of friendship. Also, I need to rethink if this is a good relationship.

How Do I Deal with Gossip Confrontation??

Before approaching the person, I must be calm and have a nonjudgmental spirit the gossip. This does not mean that I agree with what he or she said about me. Next, I need to ask myself, what is my relationship with the person talking negatively about me? Can I communicate with him or her and express my feelings about what was said? Third, I need to evaluate whether or not this is a battle worth confronting. I think realistically; this may be a person who does not like me. On the other hand, it can be a person who loves to cause strife. I must decide if I should confront or ignore it.

Ignore the Gossip Message

How do I deal with Gossip? I can ignore negative talk about me. However, I have no control over words expressed about me through others. Most of the time, people don’t think very hard about Gossip. However, if I react in a fashion that appears that I am ashamed or agitated, people might “assume” that the rumor is true. Therefore, I must remind myself that I am only controlling myself. The most important opinion of me is my opinion.

Self-Image When Dealing with Gossip

I must keep a healthy self-image. Worrying about a piece of gossip does not change their perception of me. I can’t let words change my self-image. I cannot allow the gossip to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. My feelings of anxiety shall not rule my response to this situation.


I can pick and choose when to confront gossip or let it go. If nothing can be learned or help me on my holistic journey, I will ignore it. I will be confident in my self-worth and relationships with others. Remain nonjudgmental. Also, I will remind myself that everyone is entitled to his or her opinion; however, I can choose to agree to disagree and move forward. 
