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Humility As A Lifestyle

By April 6, 2016No Comments

Humility as a lifestyle

Humility as a lifestyle reveals selflessnessselflessness. Therfore, we need to totally depend on God.”Yahweh’s word proclaims that “He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way” (Psalms 25:9 NIV). Routine of humbelness is not found in self-pride or self-pity. Yet, we don’t stop self-preservation,and pursuing our dreams and goals. However, meekness under God’s grace is an ongoing and learning process. Humbly serving others is our goal.

Walking in humility as a lifestyle

Even though, humility as a lifestyle is possible, it requires us to evaluate our lifestyle’s choices In addition, we must know and accept that humility is something that we can gain. Yet, we can practice humolity as a lifestyle. . First, we can grow in wisdom. Secondly, learn from our past experiences. Next, we can meditate and confess God’s word.. Finally, let us remember that “God’s righteousness and richness are ours at Christ’s expense”.

Routine of Humbleness Destroyers

A humble lifestyle is possible. Walking in humility means avoiding the “what If ” mindframe. if only Focusing on the if only scenerio causes emtional drama. For example, If I had not told him the truth, maybe, we would still be friends. The “if only” thought process brings stress and feelings of regret.

If you are seeking motivation and encouragement on how to walk in humility check out our services which is located on our website.
Remember,humility is a lifestyle. Therefore, it is an ongoing process.

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