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Today, I might not feel at my best. Right now, I might just be in debt. Tomorrow I move forward, still knowing I am a child of the most High King. You might not like my skin color, hair style, dress code or body shape; however, I am still a child of God. My voice diction might be too high or low according to your sound preferences. My opinion may not matter to you. My daily choices might contradict what you thing or believe they should be. STILL, I am a child of God. I might be still paying my spiritual and physical debts and at times it appears that I am overwhelmed; however, still I am a child of the Most High King.
Whether you agree or disagree with my selective lifestyle, in God’s eyes I am special, loved, and covered under His blood. What I am saying to you and whoever are watching my life style, I am not perfect. By His mercy and grace I am still standing, and with Christlike confidence I say.
“and I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty” (2 Corinthians 6:18).
Wellness Made Clear (WMC Subscriber), is an educational blogsite which offers our subscribers comprehensive and resourceful knowledge about holistic wellness dimension (spiritual, physical, emotional, mental, financial, and vocational). We motivate and educate our subscribers on how to interconnect the various wellness components within their personal and professional lifestyles: mental health awareness, spiritual enrichment, healthcare longevity, relational enhancement, crisis and trauma foresight, resilience development, and much more. The monthly fee is only a $1 dollar. To enroll go to

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