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When we state our feelings (sad, happy, angry, joyous) that initiate in our neocortical regions of the brain, we are proclaiming our emotional state—this a mental portrayal of what is going on internally. There is no definite way of measuring what we feel. Yes, we should be in tune with our feelings; however, our feelings should be in submission to the fruit of the spirit, self-control in Christ. Let us take our feelings to the Holy Ghost Doctor to be examined and receive the Scripture prescription on how to handle our feelings.

If we are proclaiming

I feel tired.

I do not feel like going to work.

I feel like giving you a piece of my mind.

I feel like ignoring you today.

Let us remember that based on our emotional moods, our feelings can fluctuate. When that happens, let us go see Doctor Jesus.

“For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things” (1 John 3:20).

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