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Inner Thermostat

The inner therrmostat, self-monitoring reveals the warmth or chill within our enviroment. We know that our houses/apartments, place of residencies or place of employments room temperature is set by the thermostat. What is the purpose of a thermostat? It is the device that automatically regulates temperature.

Your Self-Control Monitor

As we ponder over our lifestyle choices, what monitors our self-control? let’s use a Self-Monitoring Checklist, to determine how we act or react to life’s challenges. We will compare and contrast three; Acquistive, Protect, and the Best Me.

First, we have the Acquistive Self-Monitoring, Our thermostat sit on the attention and approval from others. Therefore we self-talk and convince ourselves that our response is because of wanting to be liked by others. Second we remind ourselves that they don’t like it when we disagree with thier authoritative decisons. Finally we reasure and agree with the saying ” everybody does it.”

Next, we can Protective Self-Monitoring. We use this technique to protect us form others’, disapproval . Also, we use this shield to protect us from hurt, anger, sadness. How? We hurt and dissappoint others before they upset us.

On the other hand, we can be The Best Me. We are simply being me (ourselves). Yet, our self-monitoring is based on our belief system. Therefore, we are respectful of ourselves and others. In addition, our thoughts and feelings are not self-centered, acquisitive, or protective. Ladies, our decisions are based on fairness, and self-acceptance, we admit when wrong. Also, simply being me, allows us to operate in forgiveness. Yet, we know that our self-monitoring thermostat will change throughout your daily lifestyle and interactions.

Self-Monitoring Check List

As we set the inner temperature for a successful day, let’s make sure self-evaluate what is going on within our thoughts. Feelings and emotions. Also, make sure we monitor our stress levels. Next, adjust our tolerance level as we interact with others. On the other hand,, when responding. ask ourselves does this need to be said? Third, before entering confrontations, conversations, accepting responsibilities. make sure we know our spirit, soul, and body limitation.


Ladies, remember we are striving to be successful phenomena woman, not superwomen and perfect woman.

Don’t forget, ladies, we are fearfully and wonderfully made; therefore, we can simply be me (ourselves)

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Inner Thermostat: Your Self Monitoring

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