Your Cheerleader
I, holistic, health, wellness, fitness life coach, your cheerleader, have the following spiritual, health, wellness, and fitness credentials: First, I had received a Business Administration/Health and Fitness Bachelor Degree. In addition, I am grateful to have an Arts and Religion Master Degree. Also, after grieving over the loss of my mother, I received a Master’s of Divinity in Professionalism. Next, My twenty-plus years of service at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation’s Wellness Department resulted in a layoff. On the other hand, I did receive a Wellness Doctorate in Ministry. Finally, my academic accomplishments include the following: Pastoral Counseling and Leadership Master of Arts, Mental Toughness Certification, Life Coach Certification, and Behavior Change Specialist Certification.
For over twenty years, I have helped and watched women, men, teens, and children focus on self-improvement; therefore, they successfully use their life challenges to create a proactive lifestyle. On the contrary, the results are inward calmness (spirit and soul) and outward vitality (energy) (physical). Yet, as a team, together, we will strengthen your self-confidence as you recognize and channel into your internal power to stay balanced during life’s challenges while pursuing your goals personal /professional. I will be honored to be your holistic health, wellness, fitness, life coach, a cheerleader on your team throughout your holistic life journey.