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Living Within the Bittersweet Lifestyle

By April 13, 2016No Comments

Living Within A Bittersweet Lifesstyle

Living within a bittersweet lifestyle requires a definition. What is one’s definition of bittersweet? To some, they like the tasting balance. On the other hand, to others, it means emotional turmoil. Yet, others separate the taste, feelings, or thought. However, dealing with this word requires us to get the universal definition. Bittersweet is defined as something that provides pleasure and paindefine bittersweet.

Living Within a Bittersweet Lifesyle

To live a balanced lifestyle means you must recognize, deal with, and accept life’s complexity. Some days you deal with conflicting emotions. Other days can not put your intricate feelings into words. Then, there are those days when you are successful, and then there are those days that you feel like a failure.

Bittersweet and The God’s Wor

” I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the World” (John 16:33 NIV). Throughout the Scriptures, we compare and contrast the balance between bitter and sweet. We try to avoid life challenges that surround bitterness. On the contrary, we enjoy interacting with others, the environment, and self-time that generates a sweet-smelling aroma. Living within a bittersweet lifestyle reminds us that all of your pleasant and painful feelings are real. Living a balanced lifestyle within your bittersweet environment can be accomplished.

Accomplishing the bittersweet tasks


Living a bittersweet lifestyle is durable as followers of Christ by faith as you accept Christ’s inward peace as you go through your bittersweet moments. In addition, let us keep looking to Jesus as you walk with Him and deal with your bittersweet lifestyle challenges. Also, for assistants, check out our website for the various motivating and encourage services we offer to help you on your lifestyle journey

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