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Pray, pray, and then pray some more. Our lungs need air to maintain our physical beings. As our physical bodies cannot survive without daily intake of food and water, our spiritual being cannot flourish without Scriptural prayers. Prayer is our spiritual breath. Before we speak, eat, drink and make a decision to step out on faith we “need to pray just to make it today” (MC Hammer, song Pray).
We need to prayerfully follow the prayer recipe:
P-praise our Awesome God without ceasing
R-remember to submit our will to His will continuously
A-ask for guidance in a spirit of humility
Y-yield our daily steps, choices and decisions to God’s Divine Unique Wellness Plan for each one of us.
As we look into our prayer mirrors, let us moved forward and commit to pray without ceasing form this moment and going forward.
Pray, pray, and pray

Ladies come on and join our Women’s Gathering.
When: March 7, 2020
Time: 11:00 AM-3PM
Where: The Church on the North Coast CNC, 7635 Granger RD, Valley View Oh 44125
Price: FREE

Wellness Made Clear (WMC Subscriber), is an educational blogsite which offers our subscribers comprehensive and resourceful knowledge about holistic wellness dimension (spiritual, physical, emotional, mental, financial, and vocational). We motivate and educate our subscribers on how to interconnect the various wellness components within their personal and professional lifestyles: mental health awareness, spiritual enrichment, healthcare longevity, relational enhancement, crisis and trauma foresight, resilience development, and much more. The monthly fee is only a $1 dollar. To enroll go to

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