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Before the virus break out, we all operated within our selective standard agendas, personally and professionally. Our time management was distributed between either work or school and home. We pretty much knew how many hours spent transitioning from work, school, church, social events, and sport activities, taking selfie, engaging in video games, text messaging, Facebook, and twitter. All of a sudden COVID-19 took control over our personal and professional weekly plans. As we are being forced to enter a new norm, let us take this time to prepare for exiting this confinement season and enlist some new health habits, re-commit to following our dreams and goals and maybe start a new hobby. This is a perfect opportunity to let go of the excuse I wish I had the time to and engage in some of those activities we have placed on the back burner. If we are looking for a closer walk with God, take this time to develop/maintain our intimate relationship with Our Father through bible study, Scripture memorizations, word declaration, prayer time, and online sermons, services, and prayer meetings. If we have been wanting to engage in weight management, take this time to change unhealthy eating habits, initiate fitness routine, engage in soul care and eliminate stinking thinking. Now is the time to restore relationship, let go of toxic people, and spend quality time and quantity time with self.
“Beloved, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is” (1 John 3:2).
We are here to journey with you through lifestyle challenges, please check out our virtual consultation sessions that we are offering:
Mini Health -30 minute (within a virtual session) of encouraging, energizing, educational and fun, creative simple movements. This will enhance one’s wellbeing and healthcare in order for you to be effective, efficient, and productive within their personal and professional life challenges.
April 18, 2020, Saturday at 11:00 AM.
April 25, 2020, Saturday at 11:00 AM.
Workshop-1 hour (within a virtual session) of informative knowledge on handling mental and emotional stressors along with meditation exercises and Tai-chi movements to strengthen one’s inner spirit as well as physical endurance levels.
April 18, 2020, Saturday at 12 Noon.
April 25, 2020, Saturday at 12 Noon.

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