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As the 2017 ends we enter 2018 believing for new beginnings.
Before we make New Years Resolutions, let us be mindful that certain lifestyle choices from 2017 will enter into 2018.
Due bills- utility bills, credit cards, and medical coverage transfer over into 2018 and still need to be paid.
Prayer request-from previous years may still not manifested in the natural. Our faith to continue to believe God will be needed.
Christ-like lifestyle-should continue to reveal God’s love through us as we continue to flow in His fruits of the spirit-love, joy, peace, goodness, gentleness, meekness, and kindness.
Attitude of gratitude and thanksgiving-should follow us into 2018 regardless of the various life challenges, disappointments, and missed opportunities (awaiting).
Christian commitment- to spend time with our Messiah (prayer, meditation, and church fellowship) should transition into 2018.
“Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord (Romans 12:11).


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