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The word no leaves a bad taste in our mouths, it limits our expectation, it initiate feelings of fear, and rejection. Yet, if we look at it from a healthy perspective, we realize that the word NO can shield us from unhealthy relationships, burn-out, and financial debt. Incorporating the word No into our daily vocabulary permits us to enter into the safety zone needed to maintain our personal and professional wellbeing.
Saying no permits us to:
Keep honesty within our lifestyles-We are able to express our feelings in a loving way and avoid attending events or social hours that we do not want to participate in.
Empowers us-This will build our confidence while empowering us to engage in time management and keep healthy margins within our daily activities.
Allows us to say Yes- We are able to incorporate activities, relationships, career choices, and hobbies that we are passionate about, which are the things we really want to do.
Leaves room for us to focus and maintain our personal priorities- We can now focus on our list of priorities without interruptions a work or home that would disrupt our flow.
As we continue on our earthly journey let “all you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one” (Matthew 5:37).

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