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Nutrition: Mind Thoughts for Family Events

It is Friday, and you want to prepare your mind for your family’s week end activities.


Thoughts are things, items, situations, future goals, past success or disappointments. How can you remove toxic waste, negative thinking, and better control your feelings?

  1. Stop your thoughts (good, bad, or boring)
  2. Ask yourself what am I thinking about
  3. Ask yourself do I know why I am thinking about this?
  4. Identify the thought
  5. Ask yourself, how am I feeling
  6. Ask yourself why am I feeling this way
  7. Journal entry thoughts, action, outcome
  8. See if maybe it is a re-run of a movie you watched
  9. Something you did in the past
  10. Is it true or false?
  11. Is this something you need to work on? Is this causing a negative mental image that you are choosing to believe whether consciously or subconsciously.

Now you are ready to engage in family fun.

Have a blessed week end with family.

Byron and Fredina

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