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The photo industry can make you look strong, healthy and flawless through their lens. As we look at our selfie taken maybe last year, last week, yesterday or today, we become judgmental and very critical. We notice the wideness or narrowness of our nose, the smallest mark on our face, the hair out of place, and frown. Then, we start dwelling on negative thoughts, depressing memories,, and self-defeating self-image.
Let us take another photo image of ourselves. This time let us see, accept, and appreciate our unique facial expressions and image. Let us gratefully be thankful for our eyes that help us to visually see. Let us appreciate God’s mercy and grace for allowing us to have a mouth to communicate with. Let us value the good DNA inherited through our family line. Let us not forget to see through our selfie that we are blessed with two ears, the breath of life, self-moving mobility, and the gift of a smile.

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