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Prayer: Spiritual Cleansing

By April 27, 2017No Comments

Psalm 51:10

“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me”.

Before we can ask God for wisdom, knowledge, financial blessing, or for personal needs, we need to make sure we do not have any unforgiveness, bitterness or unconfessed sin lingering within.

We need to make sure we are holy before our holy God.

  1. This prayer is preparation for receiving constructive criticism from God.
    1. We should look at this time as growing in God’s grace as we notice areas in our lives that we need to correct through repentance, to stop negative behavior trait, to change some lifestyle habits and to apologize to others.
    2. This time should not permit shame or guilt to settle in.
    3. We should not take this information personally or fear God’s correction.

Spiritual cleansing does not lead to guilt and shame;however it opens the door to spiritual growth.

Enjoy your day.

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