Social Media Pause for Ab Cause
Are you struggling with maintaining the strong abdominal muscles that are essential for a healthy midsection body composition, good posture, and the prevention of lower back pain? This combination of yoga, Pilates, and abdominal strength training can enhance your physical beauty, increase your energy level and help you develop essential core strength throughout your daily interactions.
Transformation Journey Book Club
Transformation: Your Wellness Journey, A Transition from an Unhealthy Lifestyle to a Wholesome, Productive Lifestyle. Your Wellness Journey, this safe, effective, fun wellness transfor-mation challenge will uplift your spirit, guide you through soul care assessments, and offer you helpful body maintenance tools.
God’s Divine Wellness Plan
The recognition that God has a divine wellness plan for His children, especially for His African-American daughters, became the motivation for the doctoral work of Fredina Usher-Weems. Based upon the biblical foundations of Proverbs 31 and Colossians 3, she has drawn together historical research on the health and wellness of African-American women, and theological and contemporary writings on the body, soul and spirit within these pages. Through her research project, which connected these themes in a six week experience for women, she was able to impact the health and wellness of the participants in positive ways.
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