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“When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures” (James 4:3 NIV).
We do not want to look, feel or think dumb; therefore, we do not ask questions. To become and maintain our leadership personal or professional we must interact with others which is possible through asking questions and receiving answers. As a leader, we are looking for ways to improve our personal and others’ healthcare.
We must engage in the problem-solving questions which are: Why do we have this problem, how do we solve this problem, and what specific steps must we take to solve this problem? These questions help to unlock the doors of communication and comprehension that otherwise might have remained closed. Asking questions are communicator builders. They help us to connect with others personally (family, friends, neighbors) and professional (supervisors, co-workers, managers, and customers). Asking questions help us to remain humble servants versus serving others from ego-centric mind frame.
Asking life-changing questions create a quality life. We glorify God by being able to learn and accept Christlike criticism from others’ answers to our questions. We are able to ask trustworthy family members, mentors, co-workers about our ongoing communication skills and leadership abilities. Also, we are able to ask ourselves leadership questions such as, am I investing in my wholistic lifestyle (spirit, soul, and body)? How do I see myself? Am I pursuing my God-given dreams? Am I genuinely interested in others’ success and wellbeing? Am I grounded as a leader? Does my leadership style, skills, and strategies glorify God?
As a leader, our interactions with others is not about ME. “Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves” (Philippians 2:3).
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