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If we allow them to, family members, friends, business partners, church family members can make us not want to associate with them because of their word choices, actions or deeds towards us. Still God requires us to follow and obey Christ’s Great Commandment which is to walk in LOVE.
Mankind turn his back on God; yet, God still save mankind’s soul from eternal damnation. God’s voice proclaims (past, present, and future) I made you, I will continue to carry you, I will always forgive you, and I will always be your redeemer.
No matter what choices or decisions we make, God will never leave us. If we are to mimic Christ, then what excuses do we have that will allow us to not love others?
Loving others does not mean we agree or appreciate their words or actions toward us. It does not mean we are to avoid confrontation or overlook being disrespected. Loving others means we will not take things personally and in God’s grace and mercy we will interact with them in ways that glorify Gods and does not disrespect the Christ that is in us. In our relationships we choose to serve others through and under God’s grace.
“And the Child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him” (Luke 2:40).
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