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Self-Care Practice When Interacting With People

Self-care practice when Interacting with people requires us to not take these personally. We are living in a world where we can choose to agree or disagree with others’s opinions. In addition, we can visualize family members, co-workers, and neighbors as competitive, relationship destroyers, and selfish.

Now, am not saying that within our realistic world people are not acting/behaving selflessly. Neightobrs are not having holiday light competitions. We are interacting with co-workers and supervisors who display attitude and personality issues. The question to ask is should we allow others’ choices, attitudes, or personalities to determine our actions?

Selective Personal Choices

Self-care practice when Interacting with people can be challenging; yet, we get to choose our responses or reactions. Our answers to others are within our control. We must determine not to give people control over how we choose to either respond or react towards their actions or words about us or to us.

Let’s choose to overlook insult. When this situation arises let’s ask ourselves “Is it worth our time or effort to respond or will it just create unnecessary drama”? Next, give people the benefit of the doubt. We simply choose to believe the best. Let go of negative thoughts or visions for the reasons why they treated us the way they did.


Contrary to their negative behavior toward us, we can choose to rule our atmosphere and keep control over our actions. Choose to stay nonjudgmental. Be grateful. Walk in peace. We must control our emotions and thoughts. And not take things personally. Therefore, our self-care practice when interacting with people will be based on our self-confidence in knowing and accepting who we are.


We are fearfully and wonderfully made

And too blessed to be stressed.

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