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Self-Confidence Through A Lifestyle Of Humility

We hear the words self-confidence through a lifestyle of humility; we believe those words are not in harmony. As we ponder over the team words, we realize the combo represents healthy balance. At the same time, self-confidence combats low self-esteem, humility blocks pride. Therefore, self-assurance in humility helps us to see others’ viewpoints. Also, it allows us to maintain our opinions. Yet, knowing who you are and practicing gratitude provides inward consciousness of belief and visual compassions for others. On the contrary, self-confidence and humility unity components are a spiritual foundation, soul care, and physical fitness. Please note that self-confidence and humility balance will be called (the wellness balance)

Spiritual Foundation Within The Wellness Balance

Our spiritual foundation is based upon our faith values. We hear and see various beliefs in operation. First, we listen to the insectary of our grandparents. Next, we watch the actions and reactions of our parents concerning life challenges. Third, we practice the faith practices we have learned, and we believe and trust. Fourth, as we continue to interact with family members, friends, neighbors, and co-workers, we either faith practices work or not. Finally, humbly serving others, we choose to agree or disagree with the belief system learned. This is a selfless act of self-assurance through a lifestyle of humility.

Soul Care within the Wellness Balance

The question we ask ourselves Is, “is it well with my soul”? If we react to a situation based on our emotional state, we may have to stay apologetic. On the other hand, we check and re-evaluate our mood swings before responding to the person, situation, or circumstances. Therefore, it is ok to feel and think. However, we must remind ourselves to ponder over the soul care state before interacting with others.

Physical Care Within The Wellness Balance

Our physical appearance reveals our self-confidence. Staying healthy is the key to serving self and others in self-confidence If we serve others in humility does not require us to dress poorly. Yet, dress attire is not limited to clothes. Self-assurance within our decisions is a reflection of our facial expressions and word choices. For example, the choice to host a gathering, socialize with neighbors, or babysit shall illustrate our eagerness to serve. Our helpful hands follow a radiant smile and a pleasant voice tone. Physically, this is one way to portray self-confidence through a lifestyle of humility.


Self-confidence through humility reminds us to maintain a holistic balance lifestyle, spirit, soul, and body. Acting through humility helps us to minister to others with internal assurance and external body language. Also, it helps to detour from the spirit of pride 0r low self-esteem.

Help On Your Journey

We are here to assist you. If you need a wellness life coach to cheer you on let us know. On the other hand, If you need some energizing holiday music, let us know.

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Happy Holidays

Love, Byron and Rev. Dr. Fredina   

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