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By January 2, 2017No Comments

Let take self-evaluation; stress level.




To see if you need healthier ways to relieve stress.

Stress Scale

Respond to each statement using the following scale:

5 = strongly agree            4 = agree             3 = neutral          2 = disagree        1 = strongly disagree


Stress Questions


  1. ___________ I find it hard to get more than three or four hours of sleep a night.
  2. ___________  I’ve tried to quit smoking, but every time I face situation I light up.


  1. ___________ I get upset, I tend to eat more.


  1. ___________ I feel challenged (work, home, etc) I panic.


  1. ___________ I have a great deal of stress in my life, but I just hold it in because I don’t want to burden anyone with my troubles.

How are you dealing with stress? A score of 5 indicates that you’re doing great job handling stress. If your score is closer to 25, just need to prayerfully seek wisdom on how to handle your stress level.

Now that you have an ideal of your stress level, how does it relate to God’s Spiritual Prescription for stress?

“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your hear be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14: 27 KJV).

Have a blessed day leaving your stress at the feet of Jesus.

Reverend Fredina

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