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“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well” (Psalm 139:14 NIV).

Each day, if you do not keep your eyes on Jesus, you can find something you do not like about yourself or allow others to point out negative things about your personality, physical appearance, and daily choices.


How can you overcome these dehumanizing attacks on your self-identity?

  1. Know who you are in Christ.
  2. Accept God’s love for your uniqueness; after all, He made you.
  3. Love yourself in Christ regardless of your circumstances.

” I’m walking in power,

I’m a working miracle.

I live a life of favor,

For I know who I am.

Take a look at me. I’m a wonder

It does not matter what you see now.

Can you see His glory?

For I know who I am” Lyrics by Sinach, I Know Who I Am

Today, as you interact with self and others, remember, you know who you are in Christ.

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