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I Am Not Your Puppet

There are times when we feel like a puppet on strings. Whether we volunteered or manipulated to serve others we are regretting our decision.

Moving forward, before during others’ favors, or accepting responsibilities for a person, or project, let’s make sure  we are keeping our self-respect. Also let’s check our schedule to see if we have time available. And make sure we are not being mani[uated into helping others.

Defintions: Self-Repect and Manipulation

First, let’s get our understanding. of what self-respect, and manipulation means. Self-respect means we have pride and confidence in ourselves. It is a feeling that we are behaving with honor and dignity; Therfore, we have to protect our self-image in a respectful way to ourselves and others.

How to Protect and Develop Self-Respect

The list below inspires us to protect or develop our self-respect.

  1. Recognize what you’re good at. We’re all good at something, whether it’s cooking, singing, doing puzzles, or being a friend.
  2. Build positive relationships.
  3. Be kind to yourself.
  4. Learn to be assertive.
  5. Start saying “no” .
  6. Give yourself a challenge.

Next, the definiaiton for manipulation. This is any attempt to sway someone’s emotions to get them to act or feel a certain way. Thre are various sigsn of maniupuiton. Below is a list of them.

The Guilt Trip

A person is tyring to make you fell guility. Thay may use the following word choices: If you love me,; You know that no one helps me; I am all alone; Remember when I helped you.

The Victom Card

The manipulator plays the victim card; yet, never taken the blame. For instance, they ask you for help and you respond no I am not able at this time. The manipulator groans, or looks sad (gives you that plentiful look). In addtion, he or she will say I will take care of it. I’ll remember this when you need help. Note: When this happens respond respectfully and point out their behavior and move forward. Stand on your convictions and self-respect.

The Silent Treatment

The person is upset and trying to manipulate a certain and trying to manipulate a certain response from you. They start ignoring your email,and phone calls,. This is to keep you running back and begging for their attention. (you will have to decide on your tolerance level,and if it is worth maintaining the back and ford relationship when you don’t respond the way the person wants you too.

The Kiss-Up Manipulator

They are skilled in using emotional manipulation and will often try to make you feel great about yourself. They shower you with compliments. On the contrary, they want to make you feel like the most important person in the world. They think they are telling you what you want to hear, on the other hand, this is to get you to put your guard down to make you more willing to do what they ask you to do. After they got what they want, they flip the script on you and are disinterested in you. Now, you feel awful about yourself.Avoid allowing this person to damage your self-esteem and self-respect by politely cutting them off before they enter the drama zone of pretending they like you.

How To Avoid the Manipulaton Traps

Don’t tell manipulating people what bothers you the most. Also, never show them your weaknesses or share your dislike. One way to keep your self-respect, and self-esteem and avoid the manipulation traps is to be careful about whom you share and are confined in. Also, continue to grow in God’s grace on building up your self-respect towards yourself and then others. Your love walk does not meaning beng a puppet.

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