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Serving Others Selflessly

By April 8, 2016No Comments

Serving Others Selflessly

Serving Others Selflessly is excellent customer service. Therefore, this reminds us to walk in love, Also to walk in a spirit of humilty. Moreover, let us self-commit to ongoing love walk check-upyour love walk. However, self-acceptance is challanging. Furthermore, if our interaction with others is to fullfill our needs and desires, we are not serving others seflessly ,in love.


On the other hand, denying to feed our flesh brings on mood swings. This deminshes our changes to serving others lovingly. As well as, we initiate negative thoughts about self and others. Also, we walk in pride or self-pity verses love for self and others. Before entering into customer service, we want to realistically know, understand, and accept how feelings, thoughts, and choices. Furthermore, truthfulness about our current mind and emotional state will help us to look for solutions. Only, true acceptance of our state of mind can we serve others selfessly.Now, that we have let go of tension and self-condemnation. We can smile and serve others Serving with a smile

Serving Customers Selflessly

Excellent customer service, requires the servers to adjust themselves to the personality of their guests, customerscustome service. Outstanding customer service is visual when the attendant reepects and appreciate the consumers’ culture, traditions, and unique personaltiesGood customer service. Therefore, authentic customer service detour from self-glorification, self-pride, and self-righteouness. Therefore, serving others selflessly means avoiding “the what about me syndrome”.

This weekend during your family time, offer your loved ones selfless service. This is done by dd oing things for them that they would enjoy versus doing something for yourself.

“You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.

Keep watch for our Family Fun Fitness book, which can be purchased on our website.

Enjoy your family time.

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