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This skin type is also called Xerosis. One need to maintain skin moisture to stay smooth and avoid dryness during cold season/temperatures. Throughout our daily activities we deal with central heating, bathing in the summer sun, lack of H2O intake, and food choices that lead to dry mouths. Also, simple bathing and towel drying can remove skin’s oily lipid layers and one’s choices of moisturizing lotions can diminish our natural skin moisture. Here are some suggestive tips to help maintain one’s natural skin oil/moisture:
1. Try to use lukewarm water when bathing or showering. Limit the showering or bathing time to 15 minutes. Try to bathe according to need versus more than once a day. This will help maintain natural oils and avoid dry skin syndrome.
2. Avoid the use of harsh soaps that dry the skin, for example, deodorant soaps and or face, ears, hands.
3. Do not rub one’s skin when towel drying. Try blotting or patting one’s skin dry.
4. Moisturize one’s skin immediately after bathing or showering.
5. Skin exposure to the sun (face, ears, hands, back of the neck etc.) sun use a moisturizer with sunblock or sunscreen of SPF15 or greater.
6. Make sure to use a fabric softener in the dryer.
7. Work (if possible) and home temperature, especially when sleeping between 68 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit with humidity between 45% and 55%.
8. Please try to drink plenty of water to keep one’s skin moist.

“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body” (1Corinthains 6:19-20).

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