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We often forget to take the time to check our mind and emotion thermostats. We realize that the emotional thermostat is too high after being angry, verbally abusing others, or feeling weak or tired. We get upset and anxious about what we are meditating on; yet, we do not stop to reset our thought thermostat to energizing and encouraging thoughts.
Let us take the following soul care assessment with loved ones during our family time and have a discussion time.
Would you describe yourself generally happy? Why?
Or are you generally sad? What makes you sad?
Are you a giver, always doing for others? How does that make you feel?
Do you surround yourself with healthy friends (people who build you up)?
Is it important to keep up with the Joneses? Why?
Do you ever spend time alone relaxing or engage in an activity that you love? Why or why not?
After sharing hold each other accountable to one emotion you will work on.
As a family, we are there to encourage and comfort each other through our personal and collective mind and emotional challenges.
Words of encouragement: “This is my comfort and consolation in my affliction: that Your word has revived me and given me life” Psalm 119:50
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