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Soul Searching Define

Soul-searching is needed when dealing with self-evaluation. First, we must do a self-soul search. Before facing our inner likes and dislikes, one must define the soul.

The soul is an inward part of us, including free-will mind meditation, feelings, and emotions. Yes, the components we choose not to search. We must check and re-check our thoughts which initiate the emotions that generate our feelings. Yes, take a deep breath. Find your courage. Now, you are ready to dissect every emotion arising within this moment. This will eliminate soul-care self-deception.

Soul Searching

Soul-searching is an honest inward examination of one’s feelings at the moment. The struggle within our soul can energize or drain us mentally, physically, and emotionally; using self-compassion, one will not enter guilt or shame. Exploring one’s feelings and emotions allows a deep or critical examination of his/her motives, actions, and beliefs. We are, again, aware of the avoidance of self-deception.

Your Soul’s Voice

The most crucial self-relationship is the one we experience with our emotions. Emotions are the core of our feelings about ourselves, people, places, and things. One passionate sense paints a picture called self-esteem image—our internal GPS.

The following three voices we hear within our inner being. Some voices are soul-destroying. But, on the other hand, one is a soul builder: Attack, Abandonment, Love. The attack voice speaks self-beater phrases such as “I am such a loser” The voice is in the first person. Another voice is called the Abandonment. Suppose we talk in the second person (you). This internal voice speaks of guilt using phrases from others. For example, You are such a disappointment. Finally, the voice of love. The voice of acceptance of self and others. We can agree or disagree with others’ perceptions of us.


Self-face-off dealing with soul care is a cleansing process. It is an ongoing self-evaluation to help us maintain Wholistic balance (spirit, soul, and body). At this mindful moment, what inner voice are you listening to? Is it building you up or tearing you apart?

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