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Sourl Searching

Soul searching is taking an honest inward examination of one’s feelings. On the contrary, actual heart examinations can be either energizing or draining. The purpose of soul searching is to get a deep or critical inspection of one’s emotional state. The self-heart analysis can be painful. On the other hand, this inward assessment helps you to realize and accept your feeling at this moment, communication from the soul.  Otherwise, we engage in self-deception

The Voices of Our Soul

Soul searching requires you to identify the voices of your soul. Emotions are the very core of what we feel about ourselves, people, and things; Feelings paint a picture called “Self-esteem-image.  Emotions are our internal GPS. Even though our sensations are not visible, sensations are the core of being. Your physical actions generate from your emotions. Soul searching requires you to understand the types of voices. Voice style

The Three types of Voices Within Our Soul.

Our continuous state of movement causes and charges our emotional battle to fluctuate soul care. We can emotionally respond using the following voices: Attack, Abandonment, or Accept. First, we can react to a lifestyle challenge by “attacking” our self-worth. For example, our inward talk will consist of self-beater phrases. Using the voice in the first person, we say, I am such a loser

On the other hand, we can “abandon self-esteem by withdrawing into isolation. Now, we are surrounded by self-pity. The voice in the second person loudly proclaims that I am such a disappointment. Finally, we can use our loving voice (self-acceptance). This nonjudgmental soul voice compassionately agrees to disagree with others’ opinions.   

In Summary

Soul searching requires you to identify the voices of your soul. Feelings, our internal GPS helps us listen to the sounds expressed through our senses. We can transition our voices of attack or abandonment into acceptance. The self-evaluation inspires you to maintain healthy soul care.

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