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Stress is everywhere within our personal and professional lifestyles. Not knowing what tomorrow will bring can open the door to fear of health issues, no money, bills due, and remaining in either negative mental, emotional, physical confinement due to health challenges, family emergencies, sudden loss of employment or customers, or short-term or long-term lifestyle pivot.

And then there are days when we don’t like ourselves. What do we do? We know that we just can’t drift into being the persons we want to be. What are the rivals that PREVENT us from becoming the Me We Want To Be?

  • Pretense-trying to be some people we were not created to be.
  • Comparison-killing our spiritual growth, self-worth, and self-esteem by competing and comparing our accomplishments with others” financial statuses, careers, families, and society’s recognition.
  • People Pleaser-trying to live up to others’ expectations of us.

Let us know your feelings and

Let us help you develop or maintain inner and outward, wholistic serenity through the following life/wellness coaching with a touch mental health consultation. Join our stress-release energy booster group personal virtual sessions.




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