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“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7a).
We tend to think negative about ourselves; therefore, we think ourselves out of pursuing our dreams, goals, and healthy wellbeing. Our successful lifestyles depend upon our imaginations which captivate our thoughts. Even if our daily outcome did not meet our full expectation, we must not get discouraged or doubt that our dreams and visions will come to pass. Here are some suggestive motivating thinking habits:
Believe that we can do it.
Stay off the Hedonic Treadmill-poor self-predictions.
Stop trying to fix self, others and the situations (seek God’s guidance).
Build our self-control muscle.
Deal with our emotional states (acknowledge feelings, pray to reveal why we feel that way, seek the solutions and release it and move forward in Christ).
Make sure that each thought is submitted to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
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