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Yesterday we reminded ourselves that we were not judgers of others since we were walking in God’s grace. Today we will focus on why suicide (as we remind ourselves that only God and the person who committed suicide knows why), let us discuss the possibility that a suicide choice may be linked to the person having the ability to take his or her own life.
Even though we do not know what mind-frame the person is in, let us remember that the ability to initiate lethal self-injury overrides any God-given natural instinct for self-preservation. What factors can contribute to this thought process?
Previous suicide attempts could link to the following life stresses: childhood physical and sexual abuse, unresolved family drama, living through injuries or abusive situations, being exposed to ongoing violence and trauma, and being financially overwhelmed.
How can we interact with someone who might be operating from this mind-frame?
Pray and make sure we are seeking wise godly counsel. Make sure we are building suicide awareness through professional educational courses or sites. Make sure we are engaging in spiritual and physical self-care and health care. Reminding ourselves that we cannot survive without God and His guidance within our relationships.
“I sought the LORD, and He answered me, And delivered me from all my fears” (Psalms 34:4).

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