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The Attitude Effects

The attitude effects the negative ones on our health can de devastating. for example, neither destructive  thoughts nor negative emotions enhance our health and well-being. Have you noticed that when you remain in An atmosphere of a bad attitude you tend to confirm to the enviroment. Helpleness feelings set in. We speak words of hopelessness. Our actions follow in the footsteps of our destructve word choices.

Now the attitude effect (negative) have you feelings glooomy. Also, feelings ofoom have settle in. Self-estweem whithers into insecurity. Now, your body’s hormone are upset and immune system is depleted. No wonder you are feeling sick, drained, faique, and on an emotional roller coaster.


The Challenge

The attitude effect that will generate healthy and wellbeing must stimulate from one’s willpower and determination to develo[. maintain, and pursue holistlc lifestyle; therefore, we must challenge ourselves to improve our health through an attitude adjustment

First, let’s identify an area that needs to grow in grace through our faith words and actions. Start a journal and keep track of the transition from unhealthy habit into healthy one. Be patient with yourself as you go through the 21 day chang phase. Remember this is an ongoing commitedment. Changes go through seasons not an overnight cure. List a specific goal with a realistic time frame. Goals can inlcude yet not limited to: fintess, nutriton, time managment, finances, realtionships,etc.

Next, attitude effect can be uplifting and stress elimnation. This can be done when you choose to avoid unneccessary drama. If you know a certain person will rub you the wrong way, detour. Not feeling sociable, avodi talkative people.

Third, practice self-compassion. Offer yourself empathy.. Take some much needed me-time. Allow yourself the opportunity for self-acceptance of dissappointments. How? Notcondemming yourself when make mistakes.


The attitude effects that are overflowing within a holistic balance, permits you to enjoy life. Schduelingtime for self, loved ones, and career. Live in an atmoshere that flows in gratitude,offers a confession guard. Allows you to breathe, while realizing you are not a superhero. Yet, your attitude effect embraces your uniqueness. It boosts self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-acceptance. Why?

Because we are fearfully and wonderfully made

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