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The Flat Shoe

By March 22, 2017No Comments

Choose your shoes wisely before you step out. This means seeking God, before making your shoe choice. Also, this means know your body. How are you feeling? What challenges known and unknown will the day hold for you?

How about your flat shoes being

Your preparation shoes for the day. You can multitask in comfort. It is a get ready for the world shoe. It takes into consideration  your mood swings, conversations, and long or short day workload. Your feet are relaxed, comfortable, and ready for slow or quick schedule adjustments.

Don’t forget the most important shoe, your spiritual shoe

“For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared” (Ephesians 6:15 NLT).

Have a blessed day wearing your flats in peace.

Reverend Fredina

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