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Do our lifestyles represent and reveal the Love Recipe during our daily interactions?

The Love Recipe ingredients are loving unconditional, denying self-glorification, offering compassion, kindness, and consideration to others, and refraining from being judgmental. Mix the above love recipe ingredients and the baked product will produce self-control.

Some of us from childhood into adulthood were instructed to serve the Love Recipe throughout our daily interactions with others. This can be challenging during the following situations: being falsely accused; having health challenges; dealing with jealous siblings; spouses, cousins, etc.; lacking cash flow.

Ways to overcome hindrances to our Love Recipe are by adding:

1 cup of peace-deciding to pour the 1 cup of peace over ourselves regardless of the situation.

4 tablespoons of self-control-reminding ourselves that our self-control doses are used to maintain our sanity.

1 glass of kindness-the glass of kindness is poured on us to release upon others as we remember God’s grace and mercy bestow upon us.

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